Hello, Do you think he might have been refering to when he gets ressurected and appeared to 500 + people?
Star Moore
JoinedPosts by Star Moore
Did Jesus believe that the end would come in his lifetime? (Mark 14:62)
by truthseeker indid jesus believe that the end would come in his lifetime and did he prophesy this?.
if we read mark 14:62, in answer to the chief priest's question "are you the christ, the son of the blessed one?
", jesus answers.
Guess what's gonna happen to us Apostates
by Undecided ini picked up the bible while the site was down and this is the first thing i read:.
"for what is the hope of an apostate in case he cuts [him] off, in case god carries off his soul from him?
job 27:8 .
Star Moore
I'm only apostate from the cult.
But I'm definately not an apostate from God and Jesus...
GENTILE TIMES and the (?) End of Pure Worship(?)
by Terry inorthodoxy) the gentile times began when jerusalem was destroyed and sacrifices to jehovah ceased because there was no way to observe the ritual temple sacrifices.
hence, true religion ceased and gentile domination began.
the importance of israel as a people was the pure religion and its correct observance through the priesthood for forgiveness of national and individual sins.
Star Moore
Dear Terry,
Since I left the witnesses in Aug., I've come to have a different idea of the gentile times... I think it is the period of time when God opened the door to the gentiles...starting with Cornelius, the Roman Centurian.. And it will end, probably when Jesus takes the rule of the Earth... This idea makes alot more sense to me. What do you think?
by Lampshade Larry inhi peolpe, .
my name is yohann stromboli and i am leaving the jw orgonizatoin today.
i have had enough of their lies.
Star Moore
Hello Larry, If you study the truth of the bible...you will forever be convince and happy you did the right thing...
I just D'aed in Nov..and was a fulltime pioneer and in it for 16 years..so personal message me for any questions about anything...I might be able to help... Star
wts is a false prophet
by headmath in*** awake!
if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
Star Moore
The wt is a false prophet and sad, but true,
Who are the Great Crowd and Other Sheep. Long article for proof reading
by jwfacts ini have just posted the following article at http://jwfacts.com/index_files/greatcrowd.htm about the great crowd and the other sheep.
i would appreciate any comments in regards to the accuracy of statements and also checking grammar.
i have reposted it again further down because this insert is too annoying with the scrolling.
Star Moore
Just wanted to say, well, it's too long for me to read right now... but I do think that the great crowd and the other sheep are different, now that I'm out.
I think the great crowd..are the good people who will survive the great trib..but the 144,000 are the very devoted brothers of Christ.
I think the other sheep were the gentiles..
Happy 4th of July ye Americans!!!!
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok one of the things that my husband kept asking as i was trying desperately to do my fade thing was.... .
indeed when he told his coworkers what was going on with me they would ask... .
the freedom that they tell you you have is conditional.
Star Moore
Hello Meagie,
Still don't like this holiday. 'the bomb's bursting in air'. I like to think of the whole world as a brotherhood..
'nothing to kill and die for' - John Lennon
a spirit - the life force [pneu'ma / ru'ach]
by DannyBloem in.
the jw's have some teaching about the spirit that it is the kind of unknow life force/engerie that was given to adam and all of us.. i think that they teach that if this life force is taken away, we die instantly.. of course we die when we have no more energie, but energie does come from food, not from something unknown.. what exactly is the society teaching about this, i never fully understood it.. ad what does the bible really mean, whenit uses these words?.
Star Moore
VM44... Liked your idea, that if the life force is without personality, then where would the personality, the memories be? Could they be in the Soul...? And God takes the soul to himselft until the ressurection? And the lifeforce still be an impersonality life force?
Jesus replaced by the WTBS?
by architect incould the reason why the wtbs leave out jesus in the watchtower study articles is maybe they think they have replaced him in word?
or since they are the "spokesman" that jehovah has by passed him for them?
does that make sense?
Star Moore
To me, that's the main 'sin' of the WT. Pretending to be Jesus...by being our mediator.. Dream on, WT.......You could never take the place of our Lord...
Did I miss something? Is this the new resolution at the D.Convention?
by Star Moore in1. we are determined to intensify our preaching activity.
2. to live up to our dedication to jehovah and give him exclusive devotion.
3. to follow jesus' example closely and be no part of the world.
Star Moore
Do you think all of them are real? Could you find out? The other thread came from someone who wasn't sure. Enjoyed all the comments..
The political one...and entertainment one..are really horse manure...along with most of the others